Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Using ServiceLocator in Sandbox requires pre-generated xml-serialization

The SharePoint Guidance [SPG] ServiceLocator provides you with a ready-to-use implementation of a Dependency Injection container. However, be aware of the following restriction when applying the SPG ServiceLocator in a constrained Sandbox context: it is not possible to compile on-the-fly generated xml-serialization classes, which are required for administrating the service interface and implementation within the servicelocator typemappings.
The execution of code statement:
typeMappings.RegisterTypeMapping<IServiceContract, ServiceImplementation>();
resulted in the following exception inside ServiceLocator code:
ConfigurationException: Error on serializing configuration data ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode.SPUserCodeSolutionProxiedException: Error on serializing configuration data ---> Microsoft.SharePoint.UserCode.SPUserCodeSolutionProxiedException: Cannot execute a program. The command being executed was "C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\csc.exe" /noconfig /fullpaths @"C:\Users\SPadministrator\AppData\Local\Temp\OICE_925B8D58-F6D1-4BB3-9E01-FCBB9D816D0B.0\wkdrltlt.cmdline".

Explanation of this behavior:

SPG ServiceLocator applies XML serialization to administer the typemappings for the service interface and service implementation class. .NET XML serialization approach supports JIT compilation of the required xml-serialization classes. The benefit is that you do not need to generate and deploy these xml-serialization classes, the XmlSerializer framework generates them on spot. However, to be able to do this assembly generation; the .NET compiler is needed. And when within the Sandboxed constraints, you are not allowed to use filesystem resources.
By doing a little ‘digging’ in the SPG runtime pipeline, I discovered that not even my own custom classes caused the runtime serialization error; it actually could be derived back to the following serialization:
new System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer(typeof(
The solution is to make sure that the required xml-serialization classes are already available: either in the GAC for generic use, or also deployed in the sandbox. I opted in this particular case to deploy Microsoft.Practices.SharePoint.Common.XmlSerialization.dll in the Sandbox.

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