Thursday, July 3, 2014

Tip - HowTo restore usage of SharePoint tokens in Visual Studio 2013 for webservice entities

I recently setup a new SharePoint 2013 development + demo environment, and a.o. installed the latest and greatest :-) Visual Studio 2013 edition. In a SharePoint 2013 project, I included some RESTful SharePoint services: WCF services, but also (due reuse) the older ASMX webservice version. Within both service variants I aim to use the convenient Visual Studio support for SharePoint design-time replaceable parameters, aka tokens, that will be replaced by Visual Studio at Solution packaging time with their concrete values.
Example of usage in a WCF service:
Service="TNV.VIEW2.Services.ISAPI.TasksWebProxy.TasksRemoteProxy, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$"
Example of usage in an ASMX web service:
<%@ WebService Language="C#" Class="TNV.VIEW2.Dashboard.Services.VIEWProcessService, $SharePoint.Project.AssemblyFullName$" %>
However I noticed that after SharePoint solution deployment, the deployed .svc and .asmx files still contain the token instead of the actual assembly fullname.
The explanation is that Visual Studio applies configuration to determine in which Visual Studio project filetypes it must search for and replace the SharePoint tokens. And in its default configuration, Visual Studio 2013 does not include the .svc and .asmx filetypes (but only for the filetypes: xml, aspx, ascx, webpart, dwp, and bdcm). Akward decision if you ask me: WCF REST services are a valid SharePoint architecture option. And although you must doubt the same for .asmx web services, as Visual Studio users we may assume backwards compatibility on the support we receive from this tool.
The disrupted SharePoint development support can easily be restored by augmenting the Visual Studio configuration. You have 2 options here: do it on development system level, so that it applies at build time for all projects that are packaged on the system. Or include the configuration in the individual Visual Studio project(s).
I favor the last: a) this way, it will be effective on EVERY system that opens the Visual Studio project: on the development systems of your peer project members, and more important: on the (e.g. TFS) build server; and b) as for .asmx it is a valid default assumption that this is obsolete technology, it is justifiable that you must explicit and deliberate restore it for that filetype in only those Visual Studio projects in which you still utilize that older technology.
The steps to also include other than the default filetypes for Token replacement are:
  • Open the .csproj file in an editor (in Visual Studio, Notepad(+), …)
  • Locate the line: <SandboxedSolution>False</SandboxedSolution>
    Note that since the project deployes web services, it cannot be a Sandbox solution
  • And after that line, insert the following line: <TokenReplacementFileExtensions>asmx;svc</TokenReplacementFileExtensions>

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