Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Beware: Azure AD B2B guests inconsistent resolved in PeoplePicker

When you employ Azure AD B2B for external sharing of SharePoint Online sites, you’re likely to encounter a peculiarity in the usage of the PeoplePicker: trying to resolve guests by typing in their external email as identity, typically fails if this guest identity was not resolved before in this site. The workaround to force PeoplePicker to resolve the guest is copy/paste in 1x the full external email; apparent this somehow triggers PeoplePicker control to query Azure AD for the guest identity.
As this peculiarity in PeoplePicker behavior is difficult to clarify (justify) to business users, I raised a service request: Microsoft Support to clarify the difference in PeoplePicker resolving behavior on interactive typing versus drop the same identity at once. Quickly received answer is that the behavior is by design: on interactive typing, the PeoplePicker queries the User Information List in site collection, however since the guest was not authorized yet for the site his/her account will not be administrated yet in that hidden list. A rather unsatisfying answer - arrogant even -, coming from IT perspective without any understanding for the business user; for whom this deviation in PeoplePicker behavior is absolute unlogical. Moreover as regular member accounts are successful resolved by the PeoplePicker, independent on whether such account is present already in the User Information list. So also there a deviation in regular Member versus Guest accounts.


  1. Did you check this setting already "ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers"?
    Please refer to this article:
    Are B2B collaboration guest users visible in SharePoint Online/OneDrive people picker?
    Yes! However, the ability to search for existing guest users in the SharePoint Online people picker is OFF by default to match legacy behavior. You can enable this using the setting 'ShowPeoplePickerSuggestionsForGuestUsers' at the tenant and site collection level. This can be set using the Set-SPOTenant and Set-SPOSite cmdlets, which allow members to search all existing guest users in the directory. Changes in the tenant scope do not affect already provisioned SharePoint Online sites.

  2. Hi Bastian, you're spot on; SharePoint Support also pointed in this direction + the Azure AD B2B FAQ. And indeed it resolves the issue: guests accounts are then interactive resolved. Annoying but lesser issue is that the guest accounts are then also resolved in non-shared sites. To avoid that, one can set for the non-shared sites the configuration value to $false, deviating from the tenant level setting.
