Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Developer inconvenience: Deploy Isolated WebPart with webApiPermissionRequests fails unless permission to create new Azure AD App Registration

In real-life enterprise context, it is advised to tag any SPFx webparts that will invoke an Azure AD protected API as isolated. This to prevent that other script running in same page, can abuse the OAuth access token assigned to the SPFx webpart and invoke any tenant-wide API permissions on behalf of current user.
However, you need to be aware of some deployment implications with Isolated WebParts. The first one is that in the Microsoft design, you can only deploy Isolated WebParts via the tenant AppCatalog. It is not possible to deploy an Isolated WebPart (only) to the site App Catalog where it will actualy be used. I suspect this is due that each Isolated SPFx WebPart creates a new Azure AD App Registration on tenant level, and for consistency the SPFx WebPart must therefore also be installed on tenant level. Negative result is that every site-specific customization is visible on all others sites where it likely is unusable. Luckily this visibility is initial limited to only the site owners in "Add an App". Only after a site owner explicit adds the Isolated WebPart to the site, then it will be visible in page editing mode in the available WebParts.
An even more significant inconvenience is that to successful deploy an Isolated WebPart, you need to have the authorization to create a new Azure AD App Registration. Without that permission, the deployment in tenant AppCatalog will fail with the generic error 'Deployment failed. Correlation Id ....'. Implication is that in effect the dependency on Ops is unnecessarily increased: a developer must reach out to a Global Admin for the deployment of SPFx solution containing Isolated WebPart. But the better option is that you request that Global Admin to assign your account the Application Developer role, then you are empowered to do this 'Ops' part yourself.

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