Saturday, March 19, 2022

Best-practices for delivering webcast via Teams Meeting

Complementary to post Bad-Practice: Include 'presentation / video production' as camera input in MS Teams Meeting + Teams Live Event, here some best-practices to apply upon delivering a webcast / digital event via Teams Meeting.
Tips to practice / try-out:
  1. Ensure that the workstation on which you 'produce/present' the digital event, and are including camera, audio and likely also content, is qua CPU and memory sufficient equiped for it. And close all other applications, in particular CPU, memory and/or network intensive, on it during the period of the digital event production.
  2. Be in particular careful with using OBS Studio on that same workstation. I love OBS for its webcast / digital events capabilities, but it puts extensive strain on the workstation. Together with Teams Meeting, this might become a bottleneck; and result that the production in Teams Meeting suffers. Better to have OBS on another workstation, and cast its output to the workstation on which presenting in Teams Meeting.
  3. In the Teams Meeting where the webcast is produced, turn off 'incoming video' of the attendees aka audience.
  4. If possible, connect to wired iso wifi; prevent potential disruption of WIFI signal, hotspots, others consumers.
  5. Dedicate the 'presenter' role to only those persons that will actually present; avoid the role is assigned to everyone in the audience.
  6. In case you need 'access-control' on who is allowed as audience, apply the lobby function (Teams Meeting Options). Note: in case you apply the lobby as manual access-control, there is an additional reason to assign 'presenter' to only event organization; any 'presenter' is namely empowered to allow people in from the lobby. Even external attendees with presenter role can do this, risking the 'access-control' via lobby.
  7. Include 'production' from external device (mixer, encoder) as shared content, do not misuse the possibiliy to include it as 'attendee camera' (see Bad-Practice: Include 'presentation / video production' as camera input in MS Teams Meeting + Teams Live Event).
  8. In case producing without external device, then use PowerPoint Live to include PowerPoint presentation. And leverage Teams Meeeting 'presentation modes' (link) to turn the layout of the digital event in a more professional / (televion) reporter look.

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